Sensation White, global events, ripstop fabric
Munich Football stadium, light and acoustic sails
New Berlin Brandenburg airport, uncombustible lowered ceiling
Main station Berlin, uncombustible glass digital print fabric
Vienna airport, subway station
Asisi Exhibition, Leipzig, Stretch fabric
Philological library, University of Berlin, light, acoustic and climatic ceiling
Munich airport, Terminal 2, light and acoustic ceiling Munich airport, Satellite terminal, light and acoustic ceiling
Globe projection on Stottrop-Textile in Oberhausen
The Circle, Airport Zürich / PTFE-MESH
The Circle, Airport Zürich / PTFE-MESH
The Circle, Aiport Zürich / PTFE-MESH
The Circle Airport, Zurich, PTFE-MESH facade


References of Stottrop-Textil GmbH & Co. KG


Below you will find a number of projects and references, which the company Stottrop-Textil was involved in.
Click on the pictures above and catch a glimpse of the project as well as information about the fabrics used by our customers.

  • Globe projection, Gasometer Oberhausen,
  • Munich airport, Terminal 2, light and acoustic ceiling
  • Munich airport, Satellite terminal, light and acoustic ceiling
  • Museum Barberini, Potsdam, light and acoustic ceiling
  • Philological library, University of Berlin, light, acoustic and climatic ceiling
  • Modern Art Museum, Singapore, light ceiling
  • Asisi Exhibition, Leipzig, Stretch fabric
  • Vienna airport, subway station,
  • Main station Berlin, uncombustible glass digital print fabric
  • New Berlin Brandenburg airport, uncombustible lowered ceiling
  • Munich Football stadium, light and acoustic sails
  • Sensation White, global events, ripstop fabric
  • BlackRock Headquater, Hudson Yards, light ceiling
  • The Circle Airport, Zurich, PTFE-MESH facade

…and many more!